Denver Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Case Studies

The names and details for the following cases have been altered to maintain confidentiality.

March, 2006

Doc1 Solutions (Doc1) was requested to examine the computer of Tracy, a recently divorced mother who had suspicions that her ex-husband was monitoring her activities on the family computer. Doc1 responded to Tracy's home and created backup forensic copies of all computers in the home for later analysis.

When examining the contents of the home computers, Doc1 discovered that a key logger had been installed on all four of the home computers. A keylogger program is capable of capturing virtually all of the actions that are taken on a computer including chat room conversations, email messages, web sites that have been accessed, online banking, and more. The specific keylogger installed has the capability to send reports to a remote email address which contained the activity for the day. This function was enabled and the email address that the program was sending reports to indicated that Tracy's ex-husband had set up the program on her four home computers.

Doc1 created a report for Tracy who presented the report to her local police department. After additional investigative work by the police department, Tracy's ex-husband was arrested on charges relating to the keylogger program.

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