Denver Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Forensics

Doc1 Computer Foreniscs’ Staff

Doc1 Computer Forensics recognizes that in the litigation support industry, virtually every situation is extremely unique. We have taken great care to employ individuals that posses unique skills to help with your situation. Additionally, Doc1 is committed to developing and investing in these skills in our employees. Ultimately, the investment in our employees is an investment in our clients who then are able to utilize our unique talents.

Doc1 Computer Forensics personnel are extremely knowledgeable in the realm of Computer Forensics, Economic Crime Investigation, Risk Management, Incident Response Situations, Electronic Discovery Consulting, Mediation, Data Recovery, Fraud Investigations (accounting), and other areas of interest. Our consultants have worked with the Federal Government, on Civil and Criminal matters, and with individual clients on cases that are international or locally based. Because each situation can be extremely unique, the knowledge and experience of Doc1 Solutions' Computer Forensics division will be catered to your specific situation.

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